Journée d’étude — Anatolie de l’époque archaïque à Byzance

affiche_JEanatolieLa journée d’étude de l’école doctorale 1: Mondes anciens et médiévaux de l’université Paris-Sorbonne aura lieu le samedi 8 novembre 2014  à la maison de la recherche, rue Serpente (Paris VIe) en salle D035.

Le programme en pdf ici

Voir également le site de paris sorbonne


09h00                    Accueil des participants


9h30                                      Markus EGETMEYER

François LEFÈVRE




Session 1 : Échanges et interactions linguistiques en Anatolie.


10h30                                   Sarah BERNARD

« Sur les traces des alphabets anatoliens : entre emprunts et innovations. »


11h00-11h15       Pause Café


11h15                                   Milena ANFOSSO

« Le phrygien: une langue balkanique perdue en Anatolie. »


11h45                                   Florian RÉVEILHAC

« Inscriptions officielles et inscriptions privées en Lycie : le statut du grec et celui du lycien. »


12h15                                   Anahide KÉFÉLIAN

« Les inscriptions romaines d’Arménie : aperçu des interactions entre l’Anatolie romaine et le Royaume d’Arménie. »


12h45-13h15       Discussions


13h15-14h30       Repas


Session 2 : Construire l’Histoire : l’Anatolie et ses sources.


14h30                                    Germain PAYEN (Universités de Laval/ Paris-Sorbonne)

« La guerre d’Eumène II et ses alliés contre Pharnace (182-179 a.C.). Problèmes et lectures géopolitiques des suites du traité d’Apamée. »


15h00                                   Alexis PORCHER

« La Pisidie de Strabon : enjeux et problèmes. »


15h30-15h45       Pause café


15h45                                   William PILLOT

« La cité d’Ilion et le koinon d’Athéna Ilias : identité civique et culture régionale en Troade. »


16h15                                   Anaïs LAMESA

« Le territoire cappadocien : entre perceptions et réalité. »


16h45                                    Simone PODESTÀ (Université de Gênes/ Paris-Sorbonne)

« Histoire de la Lycie : les rapports entre les fragments historiographiques et les autres sources historiques. »


17h15-17h45       Discussions


17h45                    Guy LABARRE (Université de Franche-Comté, EA 4011)


appel à contribution — Workshop on intercultural Exchanges

Call for papers: Intercultural Exchange in Late Antique Historiography

The research group Late Antique historiography ( Ghent University is organising a workshop on

historiography and intercultural exchanges in Late Antiquity (300-800 AD), on 16-18 September 2015.

The workshop aims at engaging affirmed scholars as well as young researchers in an interdisciplinary discussion over cross-cultural contacts in Late Antiquity and their impact on the historiographical production in different languages, Latin, Greek, Armenian, Syriac, Persian, Coptic, Georgian, Arabic.

Confirmed speakers include:

A. Camplani (Rome), C. Zuckerman (Paris), F. Montinaro (Köln), P. Wood (London), A. Rigolio (Oxford), J. Scheiner (Göttingen), R. Forrai (Odense).

We welcome 500 word proposals for papers of 25 minutes, to be submitted before 31 December 2014 to Panagiotis Manafis ( Participants are asked to read the position

paper posted on the website

proposition d’emploi — RESMED collège de France

Le Labex RESMED recrute pour 4 mois un assistant en traitement et analyse de base de données.

L’agent aura pour fonction de saisir le fichier papier des manuscrits hagiographiques grecs de la Société des Bollandistes afin de mettre en place un outil électronique lié à la Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca.

L’agent bénéficiera d’une courte formation.

Voir le détail ici :

Olivier Delouis
Secrétaire général

Appel à contribution — Historiography and Space

Call for Papers: Historiography and Space in Late Antiquity

The research group Late Antique historiography ( at Ghent University is organising two workshops on historiography and space in Late Antiquity (300-800 AD), a first one on 24-25 October 2014 and a second one from 15 until 17 January 2015.

The aim is to explore how space was perceived, conceptualised and deployed in historiographical texts within the context of late ancient literature and society. The first workshop focuses on perceptions of space in genres related to historiography (hagiography, apocalyptic literature, geographical literature) and on historical memory in general. The second focuses more strictly on perceptions of space in historiography.

The workshop welcomes contributions on Greek and Latin authors, but also, and especially, those on texts in oriental languages such as Armenian, Georgian, Syriac, and Coptic. Historiography is understood in a wide sense, including narratives and chronicles, but also lists, excerpt collections, antiquarian writings, local histories, etc.

Confirmed speakers include:

Workshop I: M. Debié (Paris), D. Engels (Brussels), G. Kelly (Edinburgh), J.-C. Van Haelewyck (Louvain-la-Neuve).

Workshop II: P. Blaudeau (Angers), J.W. Drijvers (Groningen), S. Johnson (Washington), T. Greenwood (St. Andrews), M. Humphries (Swansea), H. Leppin (Frankfurt), M. Meier (Tübingen).

We welcome 500 word proposals for papers of 25 minutes, to be submitted before 1 July 2014 to Marianna Mazzola (

Participants are asked to read the position paper posted on the website > Conference and Events.


Appel à article — the Medieval Global

Announcing The Medieval Globe. Connectivity~Communication~Exchange, a  new biannual academic journal. The Medieval Globe (TMG) is a peer-reviewed journal to be launched in 2014, published in both print and digital formats.  It is based at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and sponsored by CARMEN, the Worldwide Medieval Network.  It is dedicated to exploring the modes of communication, materials of exchange, and myriad interconnections among regions, communities, and individuals in an era central to human history.

The Medieval Globe promotes scholarship in three related areas of study:

  • the direct and indirect means by which peoples, goods, and ideas came into contact,
  • the deep roots of global developments,
  • the ways in which perceptions of “the medieval” have been (and are) constructed around the world.

Contributions to a global understanding of the medieval period need not encompass the globe in any territorial sense. The Medieval Globe advances a new theory and praxis of medieval studies by bringing into view phenomena that have been rendered practically or conceptually invisible by anachronistic boundaries, categories, and expectations: these include networks, communities, bodies of knowledge, forms of movement, varieties of interaction, and identities. It invites submissions that analyze actual or potential connections, trace trajectories and currents, address topics of broad interest, or pioneer portable methodologies.

For more information, please visit: