Colloque « Monumental Painting in Byzantium and Beyond: New Perspectives » – Dumbarton Oaks (4 novembre 2016)

Byzantine Studies Colloquium

Monumental Painting in Byzantium and Beyond: New Perspectives
November 4, 2016 08:30 AM to 06:00 PM

The Oak Room, Fellowship House, 1700 Wisconsin Avenue NW

Monumental Painting in Byzantium and Beyond: New Perspectives

Contact: | Phone: 202-339-6940

The study of Byzantine monumental painting is ripe for critical assessment. While research into monumental pictorial art in countries such as Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, the Republic of Macedonia, and increasingly Turkey remains a mainstay of art historical inquiry, in the United States this area of study has received less attention in recent years. Yet the monumental painting of the Byzantine world holds great potential for future research, not least because the material is tremendously rich and continues to be expanded with the discovery and publication of new pictorial ensembles.

This colloquium, organized by Ivan Drpić and Tolga Uyar, brings together new voices and well-established scholars to reinvigorate the study of Byzantine monumental painting. It will foster dialogue and pose new questions about reception, materiality, and the interplay of different representational forms and systems of signification. Topics range from how paintings evoked sound, to the role of liturgical practices, visual narrative, and non-figural imagery in decorated sacred spaces, to collaboration and interaction between patrons, architects, painters, and theological advisers. While some papers will focus on specific sacred landscapes such as Naxos and Cappadocia, others draw wide-ranging connections across Byzantium, the Slavic world, and the Mediterranean.



Appel à contribution – Conférence « Natales Grate Numeras?“, Zadar (7-8 avril 2017)


International Conference to mark the 60th anniversary of the Department of Classical Philology at the University of Zadar, Croatia

„Natales Grate Numeras?“

Zadar, 7 and 8 April 2017

Based on the ancient Roman foundations of the city of Zadar and several centuries of higher education, the contemporary Faculty of Humanities was founded in the academic year 1956/7. The Department of Latin was one of the six original departments of the new Faculty. The study of Greek was introduced in the 80s and, after a turbulent period marked by war in the 90s, the Department grew in both the number of new members and the varied scope of academic disciplines which they pursued.

To mark the 60th anniversary of its foundation, the Department of Classical Philology will host an international conference „Natales grate numeras?“ that will take place on 7 and 8 April 2017. Friends, colleagues as well as scholars from other disciplines and from abroad are invited to join us in celebration in order to give a positive answer to Horace’s question referred in the conference title.

Academics from abroad working in different areas of Classics and related disciplines will join Croatian colleagues in a fruitful dialogue. The keynote speakers are world-renowned experts in their respective areas: professor David Elmer (Harvard University), professor Stephen Heyworth (University of Oxford) and professor Darko Novaković (University of Zagreb). The proceedings will come to a close with a conference dinner and a guided tour of the city of Zadar, which has recently come to boast of the title ‘European Best Destination 2016’.

Proposals for papers should fall within the scope of the following subject areas:
1. Homer, Hesiod and the Greek epic
2. The poetry of the Augustan age
3. Greek and Roman religion and mythology
4. Late Antiquity and Byzantium
5. Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin
6. Dalmatia in antiquity
7. The state of Classics today and related issues.

Please also note:
– The official languages of the conference are Croatian, English and Latin.
– In order to apply one needs to fill out an application form (follow the link and send it to Diana Sorić, assistant professor, via email:
– One author can submit a maximum of two papers if one of these papers is co-authored.
– The deadline for submission of proposals is 1 December 2016. Applicants will be notified whether or not their paper is accepted by 15 December 2016.
– Speakers will be allocated 30-minute slots: twenty minutes to give their paper and ten minutes for questions and discussion.
– There is no conference fee for participants.
– The organiser is not able to cover any travel or accommodation costs.
– All other information regarding the conference will be sent via email and posted on the website of the Department of Classical Philology:

Diana Sorić, PhD (University of Zadar), president
Milenko Lončar, PhD (University of Zadar)
Krešimir Vuković, DPhil (Oxon.) (University of Oxford)
Linda Mijić, PhD (University of Zadar)
Ankica Bralić, PhD (University of Zadar)
Anita Bartulović, PhD (University of Zadar)
Teuta Serreqi Jurić, PhD (University of Zadar)
Sabira Hajdarević, PhD (University of Zadar)
Zvonko Liović, PhD (University of Zadar)

Appel à contribution – Conférence « Art and Archeology of the Silk Road », Portland, Oregon (12 octobre 2017)

Call for papers

Art and Archeology of the Silk Road Conference

Portland State University, Portland, Oregon

October 12, 2017


We invite papers that explore the portable arts and built environment of the Silk Road from its beginnings through the period of its fragmentation under the Mongol Empire. Papers may investigate case studies in specific visual and material culture topics, archeological sites, or take a broader, comparative approach. We are particularly interested in having a geographic range of topics represented in the material shared at the conference in order to explore possible themes such as diplomacy in art, hybridity, exoticism, regionalism, and globalization looking at both the land and maritime Silk Road routes.

Call for Papers: Deadline January 15, 2017

The language of the conference presentations will be English, and the presentations will be 20-minute papers grouped around themes for discussion panels following each set of talks. Please submit an approximately 300-word abstract and curriculum vitae to Professors Junghee Lee ( and Anne McClanan ( We also welcome proposals for panels, and for the proposed sessions please include an abstract and c.v. for each participant.

Appel à contribution – Fifth Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Saint Louis University (19-21 juin 2017)

Call for Papers

Fifth Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Saint Louis University
St. Louis, MO

June 19-21, 2017

The Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies provides a convenient summer venue in North America for scholars in all disciplines to present papers, organize sessions, participate in roundtables, and engage in interdisciplinary discussion. The goal of the symposium is to promote serious scholarly investigation of the medieval and early modern worlds.

We invite proposals for papers, sessions, and roundtables on all topics and in all disciplines of medieval and early modern studies. Proposals from learned societies and scholarly associations are particularly welcome. The deadline for proposals submissions is December 31.

The plenary speakers for this year will be Christopher Baswell, of Barnard College and Columbia University, and Bruce Campbell, of Queen’s University, Belfast.

The Symposium is held on the beautiful midtown campus of Saint Louis University, hosted by the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. On-campus housing options include affordable, air-conditioned apartments and a luxurious boutique hotel. Inexpensive dorm meal plans are available.

All sessions take place in state-of-the-art classrooms and auditoriums with complete audiovisual facilities. All sessions, events, meals, and housing are located within easy walking distance of each other. A rich variety of restaurants, bars, and cultural venues are also only a short walk away.

During their stay, participants are welcome to utilize the Vatican Film Library as well as the rare book and manuscript collections of the nearby Pius XII Library. Those interested in using the Vatican Film library, should contact Susan L’Engle ( by email or phone at 314-977-3090. Participants may also use the library’s regular collections, which are especially strong in medieval and early modern studies.

All sessions are 90 minutes long. A variety of session formats are welcome. Preference will be given to organized sessions that involve participants from multiple institutions.

The John Doran Prize – $500

Dr. John Doran (1966-2012) was senior lecturer in Medieval History at the University of Chester, UK, and an expert in the history of the papacy and the city of Rome. In honor of his commitment to scholarly excellence, the annual John Doran Prize recognizes outstanding work by a graduate student. The author of the winning paper will receive $500 and the option to have their paper published in the journal Allegorica. The prize is endowed by the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Saint Louis University. Submissions are due by April 31, and the winner will be announced at the Symposium. More info at

Colloque « Le prince chrétien (IVe-VIIe siècle) » – 5-7 octobre 2016


« Le prince chrétien (IVe-VIIe siècle) »
Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense (bâtiment B salle des conférences)
5, 6 et 7 octobre 2016

Colloque organisé par
Sylvain Destephen, Bruno Dumézil et Hervé Inglebert
Institut universitaire de France
Équipe ArScAn-THEMAM-École doctorale

La conversion du monde antique au christianisme ne modifie pas la position centrale du Prince au sein de son État. Loin de remettre en cause les fondements traditionnels du pouvoir, la nouvelle religion offre des arguments supplémentaires pour légitimer le souverain dans la mesure où il incarne et applique les valeurs du christianisme dans sa vie personnelle comme dans son action publique. Les élites chrétiennes mettent rapidement au service du pouvoir la rhétorique de la justification divine tant pour exalter le souverain que l’inviter à conformer ses actes à la parole du Christ. Dans la représentation du pouvoir par les contemporains lettrés et dans son autoreprésentation à travers les textes, les monuments et les images, le souverain assume le modèle mis à sa disposition, quitte à en jouer pour servir les besoin de l’heure. Après avoir abordé en 2008 la question de la christianisation du monde antique analysée dans ses aspects documentaires et régionaux, puis en 2013 celle du passage des dieux civiques aux saints patrons qui constitue moins une succession fonctionnelle qu’un hiatus dans la vie communautaire, l’université de Paris Ouest Nanterre propose de mener en octobre 2016 une réflexion collective et transversale sur les relations entre le Prince et le christianisme dans le contexte de l’Empire tardif et des royaumes issus de sa dislocation. Le propos est non seulement de mesurer l’influence de la religion dans l’idéalisation du pouvoir, mais encore d’étendre les perspectives de recherche aux principaux domaines  d’exercice de l’autorité suprême. L’image du Prince se reflète en effet dans ses rapports avec les élites et avec les marges, avec les fidèles chrétiens et non-chrétiens, avec ses adversaires intérieurs et extérieurs. Entre le IVe et le VIIe siècle, la notion de Prince chrétien constitue peut-être moins une donnée du réel qu’un revendication à illustrer et à défendre.

Pour le programme, cliquez ici.