Offre de bourse – The Martin Buber Society of Fellows

Offre de bourse

The Martin Buber Society of Fellows

The Martin Buber Society of Fellows, a joint venture of the Hebrew University and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), aims at fostering inter-disciplinary and inter-cultural academic discourse at the highest level among outstanding young scholars (post-doctoral) from Israel and Germany together with selected senior colleagues. Each year the Academic Committee of the Martin Buber Society selects up to ten exceptionally gifted young scholars (five from Israel, five from Germany) in all fields of the humanities broadly defined and including social sciences (with the exception of law and applied economics). Scholars who have completed their Ph.D. at an Israeli or German university, or citizens of Israel or Germany, who have received their Ph.D. in other countries, are eligible to apply. The Ph.D. degree must have been approved after October 1st, 2010 and no later than August 1st 2015

Fellows will become part of a vibrant scholarly community reflecting the widest possible disciplinary spectrum in the humanities and social sciences and embodying a spirit of shared intellectual adventure. No special connection to Jewish studies or Israel is required. We are looking for creative humanists and social scientists with broad intellectual horizons. Discussions in the Martin Buber Society will take place in English (not in Hebrew or German).

The Fellows will be asked to move to Jerusalem. They will receive a monthly stipend of approximately 9000 Israeli shekels and a housing subsidy either for apartments in the university’s Student Village on Mount Scopus or in town. They will be given offices at the Hebrew University (Mount Scopus campus) and will participate in bi-weekly seminars, lectures, study excursions, and other interactive academic modes. Each will have the opportunity to pursue his or her individual research under optimal conditions for the term of his or her fellowship.

Scholarships are initially granted for two years (subject to a review at the end of the first year), beginning October 1, 2015, on the basis of a detailed outline and description of a research project of major scope and innovative character. The scholarship may be further extended beyond two years upon the approval of the Academic Committee of the Martin Buber Society. The deadline for applications for 2015-2016 is January 5th 2015. The Academic Committee of the Martin Buber Society will meet at the end of March to choose next year’s fellows. Outstanding candidates will be invited –at relatively short notice in March– for an interview either in person or on Skype.

For registration and application click here:

Shohet Scholars Fellowship for 2016-2017

Shohet Scholars Fellowship for 2016-2017 Funding up to $30,000.00 for projects in archeology, art history, classical studies, history, comparative religions, or related subjects. Deadline is January 15, 2016.

Contact Information:
International Catacomb Society
71 Prince Street, Suite 21
Boston, MA 02113
Skype: CatacombSociety

Social Media:

Appel à candidatures – The European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS)

The European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) : call for applications 2016–2017 

This international researcher mobility programme builds on the strong reputation of the Institutes for Advanced Study for promoting the focused, self-directed work of researchers within the stimulating environment of a multidisciplinary and international group of fellows. The Programme offers 10-month residencies, in Berlin, Bologna, Budapest, Cambridge, Delmenhorst, Edinburgh, Freiburg, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Lyon, Marseille, Paris, Uppsala, Vienna, Wassenaar and Zürich. Full details can be found on the EURIAS website (

The Wolfgang Fritz Volbach Fellowship

The Wolfgang Fritz Volbach Fellowship, Mainz

The Wolfgang Fritz Volbach-Fellowship was conceived as a link between the centre of research Mainz and international scholarly work within Byzantine Studies. The fellowship reaches out to foreign fellows with a doctoral degree who work in a field related to the subject of the Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus: Byzantium between orient and occident. The invitation consists of a one month research residence with full access to libraries, academic infrastructure and participation in interdisciplinary exchange.


The library of the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum (RGZM) contains c. 170.000 media items and c. 2000 periodicals and is therefore one of the largest and most important specialist libraries on the archaeology of the old world in Europe. Combined with the comprehensive collections of the libraries of the Johannes Gutenberg-University, especially of the area Byzantine Studies at the Institute of History and the department Christian Archaeology and Byzantine History of Art at the Institute for History of Art and Music Science provide excellent conditions for academic work on all aspects of Byzantine culture.

Aside library structures, the collection of the RGZM comprises numerous Byzantine original finds and replicas and the collection of Prince Johann Georg zu Sachsen in the Landesmuseum Mainz (permanent loan of the Institute for History of Art and Music Science), and thus offers reference material for research in archaeology, history of art and material culture.


·         Grant of Euro 2000,- for four weeks residence in Mainz either during the summer or the winter term

·         Free accommodation in the guest house of the RGZM if within the following periods:

         – winter term 2015/16: January 11th – March 6th

         – summer term 2016: May 2nd – June 26th

         – winter term 2016/17: October 24th – December 18th

·         Fellows are invited to present their current research with a paper in the lecture series Byzanz in Mainz.


Application requirements

·         Applicants must possess a doctorate or an equivalent academic degree (e.g. PhD) and have a permanent residency abroad.

·         Applicants are engaged in a research project relevant to the subject of the Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Mainz: Byzantium between orient and occident.

·         Applications are always welcome considering the following deadlines:

          – until May 1st 2015 for winter term 2015/16

          – until November 1st for summer term 2016

          – until May 1st 2016 for winter term 2016/17

·         Please send applications via mail to managing director of the Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Mainz Dr. Benjamin Fourlas (fourlas(at) including application form and copies of academic certificates.

Wolfgang Fritz Volbach

The fellowship is named in honour of the important archaeologist and art historian Wolfgang Fritz Volbach († 1988) who was born in Mainz in 1892. He studied History of Art, Classical Archaeology and Medieval History at the universities of Tübingen, Munich, Berlin and Gießen. During his long academic career he significantly influenced research in late antique and Byzantine monuments in Germany. From 1917, for instance, he was employed in the department for Early Christian and Byzantine Art of the Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum in Berlin, from 1930 to 1933 in the function of its director. From 1950 to 1953 he was the co-director of the RGZM, then head of the museum from 1953 to 1958. His studies on Early Christian and Medieval Archaeology and Art crossed traditional disciplinary limitations, a legacy that the Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus aspires to continue. Volbach co-operated with famous representatives of contemporary Byzantine research, produced numerous catalogues and contributed greatly to the field of fundamental research, in particular.

His activity and academic profile set the foundations for the establishment of Byzantine studies at the RGZM, foundations which prove profitable to his successors until today. He has to be regarded as a pioneer of Byzantine studies in Mainz. Without Volbach, the foundation of the Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Mainz: Byzantium between orient und occident under the aegis of the RGZM would not have been possible.

Appel à candidatures – Chaire d’excellence LabEx EHNE

Dans le cadre du LabEx EHNE (Ecrire une Histoire Nouvelle de l’Europe), l’axe 4 – L’Europe,  les Européens et le monde – accueille pour une durée de 6 mois fractionnable un chercheur étranger de réputation internationale pour l’associer à ses travaux.

Le LabEx EHNE a pour objectif principal d’éclairer la crise que connaît actuellement l’Europe en construisant une historiographie nouvelle de l’Europe qui s’adresse tout autant au monde scientifique qu’au monde enseignant, aux citoyens et aux politiques. Le projet réunit cinq laboratoires partenaires issus de trois établissements (Universités Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne et Paris-Sorbonne, Université de Nantes). Il est dirigé par le professeur Eric Bussière (Université Paris-Sorbonne, UMR IRICE). Le CRHIA anime l’un des sept axes de recherche du LabEx (Axe 4, L’Europe, les Européens et le monde, responsable Michel Catala), et privilégie l’étude des circulations depuis et vers l’Europe dans tous leurs aspects, les transferts qu’elles impliquent et leurs impacts sur l’identité / les identités européennes (pour plus de précisions sur les thématiques développées dans l’axe 4, se reporter au site La problématique fondamentale du LabEx EHNE est d’offrir à un large public de nouvelles clefs de compréhension de l’histoire de l’Europe notamment par la réalisation d’une encyclopédie numérique.

Les candidat(e)s devront avoir le souci de montrer à partir de leurs recherches ou de leur parcours l’intérêt qu’ils portent à l’étude des circulations et des relations entre l’Europe et le monde. Le ou la candidat(e) retenu(e) participera en langue française aux activités d’enseignement et de recherche liées aux thématiques du LabEx (séminaires de Master à l’Université de Nantes, participation à des séminaires organisés par d’autres axes du LabEx, animation de conférences « grand public »). Il (elle) participera également aux publications du LabEx, notamment à l’encyclopédie thématique en ligne. Il (elle) pourra exploiter entre autres des sources du Centre des Archives Diplomatiques de Nantes (CADN).

Les candidatures sont à envoyer au plus tard le 31 mars 2015.