Modern Greek for Postgraduates and Early career scholars of Greek archaeology (intensive) – Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies, Athènes



 Athens, 2nd – 20th November 2015

Following last year’s successful pilot, the Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens will be holding a three-week intensive course in November 2015.

Reading modern Greek bibliographical sources has become indispensable for any research postgraduate student or scholar of Greek Archaeology. The course aims at increasing the non-native Greek researchers’ understanding of the modern Greek language used in archaeological publications, from excavation reports and object catalogues to theoretical studies, and from current demotic Greek to katharevousa.

The venue will be the IIHSA premises, 51A Notara St, Athens. Lessons will take place on three evenings per week (x 2 hours) over the three-week period.

The teacher will be archaeologist and philologist Dr Vassilis Petrakis. The course, which will be taught through English, will use a tailor-made Reader. The choice of texts will take into account the students’ research interests as far as possible.

The fee is € 200 for the three-week course. The course is open to all postgraduates/early career scholars with a working knowledge of modern Greek or those who have also been attending an intensive general course in modern Greek. One academic reference will be required. Up to 5 credits may be granted to students in consultation with their University departments.

Limited accommodation will be available in the IIHSA premises for the duration of the course.

To dowload the application form, click on the IIHSA webpage: For queries or further information, please contact the IIHSA Director, Dr Christina Souyoudzoglou-Haywood: ( Completed applications and academic reference letters should be sent by email to the Assistant Director, Dr Aris Anagnostopoulos ( no later than the 6th September 2015. Places are limited. Applying early is advisable in order to secure a place.

Summer School “Georgian Manuscript- 2015” – The National Centre of Manuscripts, Tbilisi

The National Centre of Manuscripts (Tbilisi, Georgia is organizing the Summer School “Georgian Manuscript- 2015”. The Summer School is dedicated to the study of the Georgian manuscript heritage. It will be held from 14th to 23th July 2015 in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Pour plus d’information, cliquez ici, formulaire d’inscription ici et programme ici.

Patristic and Byzantine Greek Summer Course – University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana

Patristic and Byzantine Greek – Summer Course, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana

Course number: CLGR 30199, 60199

Instructor: Charles C. Yost

Dates: MTWR- 2:00 PM-3:40 PM, June 15-July 24

The Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire holds a crucial place in the history of Greek letters. Not only did Byzantine scribes forge the vital link between antiquity and modernity, but Byzantine mystics, poets, philosophers, and statesmen have left behind a vast and varied corpus of texts expressing the diverse discourses contributing to the formation of Byzantium. In this course, students will engage this corpus through a survey of texts that is broad both in chronology (embracing texts composed from the 4th through the 15th century) and genre (including historiography, hagiography, theological treatises, poetry, literary criticism, and documentary sources). Beginning in the 4th and 5th centuries with Gregory Nazianzos, John Chrysostom, and Pseudo-Dionysios, we shall encounter (among others) the writings of Maximos the Confessor, the nun Kassia, Theophanes the Confessor, Photios, Symeon the New Theologian, Michael Psellos, Anna Komnene, and end in the 14th and 15th centuries with figures such as John Kantakouzenos, Alexios Makrembolites, and Plethon. Students will also receive an introduction to Greek paleography.

Prerequisite: At least one year of classical or Koine Greek.

Visiting (non-Notre Dame students) welcome! For information about registration, please visit

 Questions? Contact Charles Yost (