Bourses — Site européen des bourses

The submission service is now open for both the European Fellowship and Global Fellowship strands of the 2014 MSCA Individual Fellowships call (call deadline 11 September 2014), meaning that applicants can create a profile for their proposal on the Participant Portal and download the application documents. The research mentor and fellow will need to work on the application together, and both should be included when setting up the online proposal in the ECAS submission system.  Call details and documents (including an FAQ) can be found on the H2020 Participant. (you will need to select the EF or GF strand at bottom of the ‘Call Description’ tab in order to access the submission system).

Bourses — latin and greek late antique hagiography

Two fully-funded ERC Doctoral Research Fellowships (4 years each) at Ghent University (Belgium)

The Department of Literary Studies at Ghent University (Belgium) is seeking well-qualified applicants for two fully-funded and full-time PhD studentships attached to the European Research Council project Novel Saints. Ancient novelistic heroism in the hagiography of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages ( The Principal Investigator of this project is Prof Dr Koen De Temmerman, who, as a classicist, specializes in ancient fiction and its persistence in later periods.

There is one position available in the field of Latin late antique hagiography and another in that of Greek late antique hagiography.

The two successful applicants will start employment on 1 October 2014.

Deadline: applications should arrive no later than 15 July 2014.

For detailed information and for guidelines on how to apply, please see

post-doc — Labex RESMED

Postdoctoral Announcements

The Research Centre “Religions and Societies in the Mediterranean world” (RESMED), a laboratory of excellence affiliated to Sorbonne University (Paris) offers:

three (3) one-year RESMED postdoctoral fellowships, starting September 2014. Deadline for applications: 18 April 2014.

four (4) 9-month Fernand Braudel IFER-RESMED postdoctoral scholarships, starting September 2014. Deadline for applications: April 2014.

Candidates may apply for both calls. Details are given below.

1. RESMED postdoctoral fellowships

The Laboratory of excellence RESMED (“Religions and societies in the Mediterranean world”) offers 3 one-year postdoctoral fellowships starting September 2014.

Candidates should submit a resarch project corresponding to one of the following profiles:

Profile 1. Cultural backgrounds of the Greek christian exegesis.
Profile 2. Food and religion in the Mediterranean world: from polytheistic to monotheistic religions.
Profile 3. Music, ritual, sociability in ​​the area of the former Ottoman Empire
Profile 4. Religious festivals in the Mediterranean in late antiquity and the early Middle Ages (1st to 10th century)
Profile 5. Religions and social practices: mutual assistance in multicultural societies

See details on the call, eligibility and selection process here:

Deadline for applications: 18 April 2014 at midnight.


2. Fernand Braudel IFER-RESMED postdoctoral scolarships

The Fernand Braudel IFER programme is an international mobility programme open to candidates from all countries who wish to carry out a 9-month research project in France. It is supported by the European Commission (Marie Curie Action Programme – COFUND – FP7). The Research Center “Religions and Societies in the Mediterranean world” (RESMED) is part of the Fernand Braudel IFER network.

Four (4) postdoctoral scholarships starting in September 2014 are offered. Candidates should submit a resarch project corresponding to one aspevt of RESMED’s programme on the Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean: 1. Religions, places and conflicts; 2. Religion and reason: tradition and innovation; 3. Religions and social practices.

See more on the Labex here:


The online application form (accessible from March 3 midday until April 3 midday),  as well as details on the call, elegibility and selection process are available at


Deadline for applications: 3 April 2014 midday.



PRES Sorbonne Université

Directeur: Jean-Claude Cheynet (Université Paris-Sorbonne)

Secrétaire général: Olivier Delouis (CNRS)





Le Laboratoire d’excellence RESMED (« Religions et sociétés dans le monde méditerranéen ») du PRES Sorbonne Universités propose :


trois (3) contrats postdoctoraux RESMED d’un an à partir de septembre 2014. Date limite des candidatures: 18 avril 2014.


quatre (4) bourses postdoctorales Fernand Braudel IFER-RESMED de 9 mois à partir de septembre 2014. Date limite des candidatures: 3 avril 2014.


1. Contrats postdoctoraux RESMED


Le Labex RESMED (« Religions et sociétés dans le monde méditerranéen ») offre 3 contrats postdoctoraux d’un an pour septembre 2014.


Les sujets de recherche proposés doivent correspondre à l’un des profils suivants :


Profil 1. Milieux culturels de l’exégèse chrétienne de langue grecque

Profil 2. Religion et alimentation dans le monde méditerranéen : des cultes polythéistes aux monothéismes

Profil 3. Musique, rituel, sociabilité sur l’aire culturelle de l’ex-empire ottoman

Profil 4. Les fêtes religieuses entre monde païen et monde chrétien

Profil 5. Religion et pratiques sociales : l’entraide en terrain multiconfessionnel


Le détail de  l’appel, les conditions d’admission et de sélection sont disponibles à  l’adresse suivante :

Date limite de candidature: 18 avril 2014 à minuit.


2. Bourses postdoctorales RESMED


Le programme Fernand Braudel-IFER est un programme de mobilité internationale qui s’adresse à des candidats en provenance du monde entier, appartenant à une institution de recherche étrangère, qui souhaitent réaliser un séjour de recherche de 9 mois en France. Ce programme est soutenu par l’Union européenne (Programme Action Marie Curie – COFUND – 7ème PCRD). Le laboratoire d’excellence RESMED (“Religion et sociétés dans le monde méditerranéen”), du PRES Sorbonne Universités, participe au réseau Fernand Braudel-IFER.

Quatre (4) bourses postdoctorales sont offertes pour septembre 2014. Les sujets de recherche présentés par les candidats doivent s’inscrire dans le programme scientifique du Labex RESMED, lequel comprend trois axes : 1. Religions, lieux et conflits ;  2. Religion et raison ;  3. Religions et pratiques sociales. Voir

Le formulaire de candidature en ligne seulement (accessible  du 3 mars midi GMT au 3 avril midi GMT), ainsi que le détail de  l’appel, des conditions d’admission et de sélection sont disponibles à  l’adresse suivante :
Date limite de candidature: 3 avril 2014 à midi.



PRES Sorbonne Université

Directeur: Jean-Claude Cheynet (Université Paris-Sorbonne)

Secrétaire général: Olivier Delouis (CNRS)

Bourses — Danemark Aarhus Institute

At the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, AIAS, 25 AIAS-COFUND Marie Curie fellowships are available for talented researchers from all academic disciplines over the next year within the first Call for Applications.

Application deadline is 21 March 2014.

We hope that you will find the call of interest, and you are welcome to forward the call to other high-level researchers.

Post-doctorat — Chancellor’s Fellows at the University of Edinburgh

2014 Call for Chancellor’s Fellows at the University of Edinburgh

Building on the success of the 2012 and 2013 Chancellor’s Fellowship schemes, the University of Edinburgh has launched a new call for Chancellor’s Fellows. The University intends to appoint to up to 50 tenure-track Chancellor’s Fellowships across the University’s three Colleges as a further major investment in the future of our teaching and research.

These prestigious awards are aimed at early independent research career individuals of the highest potential who have begun to establish a reputation for high quality research at the forefront of their discipline and who have a commitment to learning and teaching at university level. Successful applicants in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences will be appointed at Grade 8 having completed their PhD and acquired equivalent relevant postdoctoral experience which meets the University Grade 8 Academic Job Profile.

Applications in Classics are invited in any of the disciplines of Classics (the classical languages and literatures, ancient philosophy, classical archaeology, and ancient history). The Fellowships are tenable from 1 September 2014. The deadline for applications is 7 February 2014.

Full information on how to apply can be obtained from the University’s Chancellor’s Fellows website: